

Rocastem is a liquid aerator and root stimulator that works at microscopic level to hit and help the 90% of the root zone you don’t get with mechanical aeration.

Working between core holes, Rocastem:

  • Drains and aerates
  • Firms turf surfaces
  • Opens soils to clear toxic root zone gas build up
  • Triggers plant vigour

Application rate: 10 lts/ha
Dilution: 1:25+ litres water

Recommended Period of Use:
Spring to mid-Winter

Rocastem has 4 actions:

  1. De-compacts the root zone by draining excess water and freeing silts, clays and fine sands
  2. Increases water percolation of trapped water to maximize soil aeration and root extension
  3. Encourages indigenous microflora consumption of excess organic matter
  4. Provides plant stimulus to pull grass through close mowing, heavy play and climatic stress

Rocastem is best applied as a programme of 4 to 5 treatments.

Regular application of Rocastem results in:

  • Firmer, truer playing surfaces year round
  • Drier warmer greens into Winter and earlier growth into Spring
  • Optimum moisture retention in the upper root zone
  • Root hair stimulation and healthy plant vigour

Rocastem is an integral part of our monthly drench which we use on our three bowling greens. The greens have come on in leaps and bounds in terms of grass density because of root stimulation. This has allowed us to work our greens which in turn helps our playing surface with smoothness and pace.
— Bill Silcock, Head Greenkeeper Logan City Recreational and Sporting Club