Rocastem is a liquid aerator and root stimulator that works at microscopic level to hit and help the 90% of the root zone you don’t get with mechanical aeration.
Working between core holes, Rocastem:
- Drains and aerates
- Firms turf surfaces
- Opens soils to clear toxic root zone gas build up
- Triggers plant vigour
Application rate: 10 lts/ha
Dilution: 1:25+ litres water
Recommended Period of Use:
Spring to mid-Winter
Rocastem has 4 actions:
- De-compacts the root zone by draining excess water and freeing silts, clays and fine sands
- Increases water percolation of trapped water to maximize soil aeration and root extension
- Encourages indigenous microflora consumption of excess organic matter
- Provides plant stimulus to pull grass through close mowing, heavy play and climatic stress
Rocastem is best applied as a programme of 4 to 5 treatments.
Regular application of Rocastem results in:
- Firmer, truer playing surfaces year round
- Drier warmer greens into Winter and earlier growth into Spring
- Optimum moisture retention in the upper root zone
- Root hair stimulation and healthy plant vigour