10-12 weeks release
All the benefits of TX10 in a coarse grass granule for easier application. Suitable for all turf areas including sportsgrounds, stadiums, fairways, equestrian venues, ornamental lawns, new construction and turf renovation.
Thicken sward density
Feed the rootzone to develop strong root systems
Improve recovery without excessive top growth
Support the sands - high in humic fractions and microflora food sources
Application rate
Standard rate: 3kg/100m²
Hard worked areas: 4-6kg/100m²
Recommended Period of Use
TX 6-2-4
10-12 weeks release
Outfield Granular
Multi-purpose sports grass fertiliser for use in a wide variety of surface conditions from base feeding on sandy root zones to wear tolerance on high usage swards.
Ideal for heavily played rugby, soccer and council grounds
Target your weakest fairway to improve cover and colour
Hold grass on ball landing areas and approaches
Reduce wear on green-to-tee tracking
Improve grass and moisture retention on mounds and exposed thin soil sites
Application rate
Standard rate: 3kg/100m²
Hard worked areas:
Recommended Period of Use
New construction and turf renovation
Turf laying, re-seeding and repair of bare or thin areas
Ideally, blend with the root zone soil and leave to stand for two weeks
Alternatively, rake half into the top 5cm of soil prior to seeding or turf laying. Apply the balance once grass is up or laid turf has bedded in.
Application rate: 5kg/100m²