TX10 + Mycorrhiza
TX10 is a multi-source organic fertiliser consisting of 10 key components to soil fertility. The main constituents include stable humus, seaweed extract, vegetable extract, and proteins, which are all used to increase cation exchange capacity and better utilise applied nutrients without clogging pore spaces.
5-2-8 with wetting agent
Applied regularly through the year, TX10 can stand alone or complement a main fertiliser release pattern for:
Sward density with less top growth
Greater wear tolerance under intensive play
Improved CEC capacity of sand top-dressed sites
Mycorrhiza enhanced root hair soil web
Application rates
Standard rate: 4kg/100m²
Heavy soils: 2kg/100m²
Recommended Period of Use
All year
Seasonal and alternate application
Spring and Autumn renovation
Develop the root system
Reduce the hydrophobic nature of top-dressing sands
Improve recovery times following coring
Apply at 3-4kg/100m²
Light overlay to granular program
Build soil fertility and CEC
High K supplement
Option to reduce main fertiliser application rate and wetting agent use
Apply every 4-6 weeks at 1.5-2.5kg/100m²
Autumn into Winter fertiliser
Denser sward and hardy grass cover
Apply 1.5-2.5kg/100m²
1-2 applications to carry play through Winter
Mycorrhiza create a fine filament network (Hyphae) which extends the area for roots to absorb nutrients and water from the soil.
Golf greens and sand based sports grounds all suffer from a sparse mycorrhizal population that is easily damaged by compaction, excess water, fungicides and herbicides.
Rebuilding the mycorrhizal stock Spring and Autumn as part of a TX10 application is the ideal solution to maintaining their presence.
Mycorrhiza are known to …
Provide a Nematode deterrent – through excreting an inhibiting fluid into the rhizosphere
Add a 100+ fold increase in the root absorption capacity – through its extended nutrient capture filament network
Promote better pathogenic fungi defences – through increased nutrient uptake that limits food for other fungi
Maintain chlorophyll (colour) in the leaf – through release of stored nutrients to the plant when under stress.
“After introducing TX10 to our program we noted instant results of increases in tillering, sward density and wear tolerance. The long term benefits have been increases in CEC, impacts on balancing out our soil nutrients analysis, and improving the overall health of the soil and bent grass plant.””